One Room Romance - 이별이 끝났다 말해요 (Tell Me the Breakup is Done)
One Room Romance - 그냥 좀 걸어보자 (Let's Just Take a Walk)
One Room Romance - 이미 우린 끝나버린 걸 알잖아 (We are Done)
One Room Romance - 나에게 (To Me)
One Room Romance - 너를 만나는 계절 (The season I meet you)
One Room Romance - 너의 집 앞 역 (the station in front of your house)
One Room Romance - 벚꽃 보러 안 갈래? (Won't you go see the cherry blossoms?)
One Room Romance - 그대에게 가까이 (Closer To You)
One Room Romance - 버릇 (Habit)